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Creating Synchronistic Miracles in a Quantum World



Please Contact 


Philip Merry at or + 65 9728 0419 




We live in a fast-paced connected world of unpredictable discontinuous change where the old paradigm of organisations as logical linear machines is dying and ideas from quantum mechanics are giving us a new view of human and world dynamics.


In such a world we need to rethink the meaning of leadership

In such a world we need a new leadership paradigm

In such a world we need Whole-Hearted Quantum Leaders


Whole-Hearted Quantum Leaders:


  • understand connection in a quantum world

  • are equipped with sense making skills that can intuit the future

  • are open to the flow of synchronicity and coincidence

  • have a deep understanding of the power of heart/head partnership


Latest research shows that the heart is a powerful tool to drive clearer and more effective decision making by ensuring that your intuition partners with your logic, your heart partners with your head. Thinkers across various disciplines - quantum physics, biology, and psychology – suggest that the skill of “intuiting the future”, by being open to synchronicity and connecting with our own internal “sense making mechanism” can provide answers to some of our most puzzling business issues.


Based on a life time of learning and 8 years of PhD Synchronicity and Leadership field research by Philip Merry, which explores quantum physics, biology, spirituality, holography and psychology, this workshop will share how to develop as Whole-Hearted Quantum Leaders and connect to synchronicity and deeper heart intelligence.



  • The Benefits of Whole-Hearted Quantum Leadership

  • CLASSIC Qualities

  • Finding Answers To Current Life And Work Issues Though CLASSIC Analysis

  • Global Leader of The Future (Examination of Marshall Goldsmith Research)

  • Enhancing Solution Focus Through Synchronicity And Intuition

  • Shifting From Mechanistic To A Quantum Worldview



Participants will:

  • Understand The Skills Of Whole-Hearted Quantum Leaders

  • Examine The Transformational Qualities Of Courage, Love, Authenticity, Synchronicity, Source, Intention And Commitment And Assess Themselves Against These Qualities

  • Understand The Qualities Of The Global Leader Of The Future

  • Clarify The Power Of Synchronicity To Increase The Effectiveness Of Their Decision Making

  • Recognise The Role Of The Physical Heart To Impact Coherent Executive Performance

  • Apply Whole-Hearted Leadership And Synchronicity To Current Life And Organizational Issues 



Workshop method will be experiential, interactive, responsive and practical and include: creative learning exercises, group discussions and exercises, individual reflection and self-assessment, behavioural feedback from facilitator and peers, short theory inputs. The workshop is designed to enable participants to understand how they view themselves, others perceive them, and master new skills so that they can transfer the learning directly to improving effectiveness in life and work.



Anyone who:

  • Has heard of "quantum physics" and wants to know what it means for leadership

  • Wants to clarify how to lead in changing times

  • Would like to make leadership decisions using synchronicity and intuition work

  • Listens to their Leadership heart but wants to understand its role at work

  • Leader or executive who wants to accelerate their performance



Philip Merry is CEO/Founder of Singapore's Philip Merry Consulting Group helps leaders access the power of the heart and self-leadership for personal and business transformation. He has conducted leadership and team projects with Quantum organizations for 37 years in 58 countries, boosting mindsets that grow inter-cultural co-operation and optimise personal excellence. Senior facilitator with United Nations and Duke Corporate Education, Regional Representative Belbin Team Roles, Marshall Goldsmith Coach, Appreciative Inquiry Certified, HeartMath certified, Philip is author of The Search for Singapore's Happiest People, and one-time London taxi driver. He has just completed his PhD research into Synchronicity and Leadership and the power of the Heart.


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